Blanked out? Check out the sympathy to pass the test that is guaranteed success

Blanked out? Check out the sympathy to pass the test that is guaranteed success
Julie Mathieu

You spend the whole year studying, but when it comes time for the exam, you get a blank? Even though you know the content by heart, it feels like your brain is blocked and that despair has taken over your body. This is because nervousness and anxiety are the number one enemies of success.

By the way, you can learn about meditation for anxiety and how it can help you in moments of lack of control. We already told you that meditation is a great method of relaxation and concentration to face intimidating evaluations.

Now, do you want to know how to get around these obstacles and succeed in the challenge? Here, we will teach you how to use a charm to pass a test, whether it is a competitive examination, a job, a school, or even a driving test for the Brazilian State Traffic Department.

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Sympathy to pass the exam

It usually takes a lot of studying and focus on your goal to pass a difficult exam, but in addition, you need to have the self-control and concentration to take an exam calmly. To achieve this spiritual balance, it is often necessary to count on the help of your Guardian Angel and a little extra strength.

We reinforce the importance of always studying before taking an exam, whether with your spiritual guide by your side or not.

So, without further ado, pen and paper in hand to write down the sympathy for passing the test, whatever it may be.

  • Prayer to do well in the exam - Guarantee your success in this day!

1. guardian angel sympathy to pass an exam

The sympathy for passing any test is infallible and you will count on the powerful illumination of your Guardian Angel. In other words, besides studying hard, you also need to have faith in your request.


  • 2 liters of water
  • 7 mint leaves
  • 1 white candle

Step by step:

  1. Start the sympathy by making a mint bath, putting the 2 liters of water to boil and adding the mint leaves;
  2. After your hygiene bath, pour the ritual over your body, from the neck down;
  3. Next, light the white candle for your Guardian Angel and ask for his guidance and enlightenment;
  4. On the day of the test, tap your right foot on the floor to invoke your Guardian Angel and say the following prayer:

"Oh dear mother Our Lady of Aparecida,

Oh Saint Rita of Cascia,

Oh glorious St. Jude Thaddeus, protector of impossible causes,

Oh Saint Expedito the saint of the last hour and Saint Edwiges, the Saint of the needy,

You know my anguished heart,

Intercede for me with the Father (mention the proof),

I glorify and praise you always,

I will bow down before you... (pray 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be to the Father),

I trust in God with all my strength and ask him to light my path and my life.Amen."

2. sympathy to pass a contest

If you want to succeed in an evaluation so that you can work right away, this sympathy for passing a contest is perfect for you. Don't forget to follow all the steps to the letter so that the ritual works and you overcome yet another challenge.


  • 1 water basin
  • 3 branches of rue

Step by step:

See_also: Find out what is the best day to take a bath in rock salt and what precautions to take when doing this bath
  1. In the water basin, add the rue branches and let the mixture sit overnight;
  2. During the 3 days before the test, in the morning, rub the rue on your hands and wash your face with the water;
  3. Then let your face dry naturally by mentalizing your success and serenity during the test;
  4. Always, after the ritual, dump the rue branches into nature.

3 - Sympathy to pass a job test

If you have difficulties taking those job tests, in which there is always a catch, don't lose your hopes. The sympathy for passing the job test is a very easy and efficient ritual.

To perform it, the only thing you will need is a bottle of water. The night before, holding the bottle in your right hand, say the following prayer to Saint Expedito:

"My Saint Expedito of the just and urgent causes, intercede for me with Our Lord Jesus Christ, help me in this hour of affliction and nervousness, my Saint Expedito

You who are a holy warrior,

You who are the Holy of the afflicted,

You who are the Saint of the hopeless,

You who are the Saint of urgent causes, protect me.

Help me,

Give me strength, courage, calmness and serenity at the moment of trial.

Grant my request (to pass the job test).

My Saint Expedito!

Help me get through these difficult hours, protect me from everyone who can harm me, protect my family, grant my request urgently.

Give me back my peace and tranquility.

My Saint Expedito! I will be grateful for the rest of my life and I will carry your name to all those who have faith. Thank you very much".

4. sympathy for passing the school test

The time of school tests is a period that no one has a good memory of, isn't it? The sleepless nights studying, the doubts and the revisions, the stress and the anxiety. But this moment doesn't always need to be so dramatic. To relieve this tension, how about relying on the sympathy to pass the school test with the wisdom and calm of the archangel Jophiel?

To do this, light a yellow candle, on the Monday before the test, and offer it to the archangel Jophiel with the following prayer:

"Archangel Jophiel, I love you and bless you.

I thank you for your great service to me and to all mankind.

Load me with your sense of power

Divine in my own heart, with the power of light and love, may I be master of all the circumstances of life, which I will have to accept and with this strength and this power may I be master of every heavenly idea I receive from the heart

Divine to realize it and bring it to fruition on earth, so be it!"

Let the candle burn to the end, and on the day of the test, wear a yellow garment and dedicate it to the archangel Jophiel.

5 - Sympathy to pass the driving test of the Brazilian State Traffic Department

Who hasn't felt a little butterflies in their stomach before taking the driving test? Even with the practical classes, there's always some insecurity on the day. With the sympathy for passing the driving test of the Brazilian State Traffic Department, you can say good-bye to the negative energies that prevent you from reaching your goal.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 yellow candle
  • Sunflower petals

Step by step:

  1. Start the sympathy by putting the water to boil and adding the sunflower petals when the pot is boiling;
  2. After your hygiene bath, pour the ritual over your body, from the neck down, mentalizing all the knowledge you have acquired to pass the exam;
  3. Before going to sleep, light the candle and pray to God for wisdom, calm, and tranquility to overcome this challenge.

Now that you have learned these 5 rituals of sympathy to pass the exam, we can only wish you good luck and light for the big day. Don't forget to tell us how you did in the exam, in the comments below.

Do you want to stay calm for the day of the exam? Check out the articles we have separated for you:

  • How to quiet the mind and find peace
  • Prayer to calm an afflicted heart
  • Learn 10 techniques to calm down

Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu is a renowned astrologer and writer with over a decade of experience in the field. With a passion for helping people uncover their true potential and destiny through astrology, she began contributing to various online publications before co-founding Astrocenter, a leading astrology website. Her extensive knowledge of the stars and their effects on human behavior has helped countless individuals navigate their lives and make positive changes. She is also the author of several astrology books and continues to share her wisdom through her writing and online presence. When she's not interpreting astrological charts, Julie enjoys hiking and exploring nature with her family.