Bring Your Love Back with the Broken Candle Sympathy

Bring Your Love Back with the Broken Candle Sympathy
Julie Mathieu

Losing a love is a desperate situation for those who live the romance, especially if the breakup was caused by simple things that should not interrupt a life together.

If you are going through this situation, don't stop fighting for your love. Look for the best ways to bring it back to you. And you can never ask the universe for strength enough.

If you are looking for a great and efficient magic to bring back a lost love, the Sympathy of the broken candle is undoubtedly the best choice.

According to reports, there are rare situations where this sympathy did not have the desired effect and did not fulfill its task.

Broken Candle Sympathy for Love


  • 1 common plate (can be made of crockery or glass);
  • 1 white candle never used;
  • 1 knife (for assistance only).

How to do it

This sympathy must be performed outside the house, in an open environment, and preferably in contact with nature, where you can breathe pure air.

Cut, with the help of the knife, the white candle into three pieces, making sure that all parts are wick.

In case any of them don't stay, you can shape them so that all of them are able to light.

Light the three parts of the candle and glue them to the plate, forming a triangle. Place one above and two a little below.

With positive thoughts in mind, repeat the following mantra 3 times:

"(Name of the loved one), I break your dark angel so that everything that is preventing you from coming to me is broken this moment and that you feel the desire to be with me.May everything that is hindering you from coming be broken and that from where you are, come to me apologizing and contacting me."

Let the candles burn freely, and then discard what is left.

Warning: Because it uses fire, you must be very careful when performing the ritual. Do everything calmly and without fuss, so you don't run the risk of getting burned or setting fire to anything around you.

Candle licking sympathy for your love to seek you

Another strong sympathy that will help your love come back to you is the licked candle sympathy. See the step by step instructions for this ritual.


  • 1 white candle;
  • 1 Black/red pen;
  • 1 plate with white sugar;
  • 1 glass with water.

How to do it

Hold the white candle with both hands and rub it well between your hands. Roll it up and down between your hands.

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While you do this, mentalize your love looking for you, very desperate, very passionate, and full of longing.

After that, take the candle and start licking it from top to bottom. Lick without fear or disgust.

Our saliva contains our DNA and part of us, so this part is essential for the sympathy to go well.

Now take the pen and write the name of your loved one along the length of the candle, from the part where it is lit downwards.

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Then write his name in the opposite direction, from bottom to top. That way the two names will meet, just like your love!

To make this licked candle sympathy go well you need to write both of your names in full.

After that, give the candle another lick to make the attraction even greater.

Now, take the candle and pass it on the plate with sugar. Try to pass the whole candle through the sugar. This is for the guardian angels bring a lot of attraction and intimacy.

To finish, light the candle on top of a white plate and place it in a high place in your home. It can be a closet, on top of a table, or above a window. But never on top of a refrigerator, hein!

The important thing is that it is a high place, above your head.

If you can, place a glass of water next to the plate while all the candle burns.

When the candle is finished burning, you can wash the dish and use it as normal.

This sympathy has no day of the week or moon phase.

How to be successful when performing the broken candle sympathy?

For the broken candle sympathy to be successful, you need to be totally concentrated when performing the ritual.

Find a place that is quiet, comfortable, and free of interruptions so that you can focus all your energy on what you want to achieve.

Clear your mind and keep focused on your love story. Remember the best moments of your relationship, the times you had fun, loved each other, and were happy. Try to experience again a little bit of each of the great feelings and sensations of these occasions.

Feel the transcendent energy that was in you and take a few deep breaths to maintain that attunement.

Focus on the image of this person walking back toward you, slowly approaching the gate of your house. Visualizing this image clearly is the key in this sympathy.

Keep the image of the person arriving still with a suitcase in his or her hands. Watch carefully as your love holds the suitcase in one hand, using the other to open the gate and approach you with a beautiful, happy smile.

Feed positive thoughts and imagine the ideal future: you and your lover getting back together and having a happy, healthy relationship again.

The power of candles in sympathies

The candle represents the element of fire, faith, illumination, and the transmutation of energy. This is why we light candles in rituals, prayers, and spells.

They are fascinating and can easily access the spiritual plane, helping us to clear our heads and refresh our everyday problems.

There are candles of various colors and sizes, so it is always necessary to pay attention to the type of candle that asks for the sympathy.

In the case of the broken candle and the licked candle sympathy, what is needed is a white candle, the common toothpick candle.

See the meaning of candles of each color and to which they are associated.

Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu is a renowned astrologer and writer with over a decade of experience in the field. With a passion for helping people uncover their true potential and destiny through astrology, she began contributing to various online publications before co-founding Astrocenter, a leading astrology website. Her extensive knowledge of the stars and their effects on human behavior has helped countless individuals navigate their lives and make positive changes. She is also the author of several astrology books and continues to share her wisdom through her writing and online presence. When she's not interpreting astrological charts, Julie enjoys hiking and exploring nature with her family.