Cartomancy - Letters of the Suit of Cups

Cartomancy - Letters of the Suit of Cups
Julie Mathieu

Cartomancy in the suit of Cups: related to the element of Water, the cards also relate to the world of feelings, love, dreams, fantasies, artistic and psychic gifts.

See_also: To Dream of a Thief - Learn how to interpret this warning from your unconscious mind!

Learn more:

  • Meaning of the cards of the deck of Wands in fortune telling
  • Meaning of the cards of the Suit of Swords in cartomancy
  • Meaning of the cards of the Suit of Diamonds in cartomancy

Here are the detailed meanings of each card in the Copes deck:

  • Ace of Hearts - The divinatory meaning of the card involves the release of raw emotion, a nascent relationship, the beginning of a love journey.
  • Two of Cups - Like the Ace, the Two foretells the beginning of a relationship; moreover, it signifies reconciliation after separation, friendships, contracts between business partners.
  • Three of Cups - The Three portends emotional satisfaction and promises a wedding celebration, a new love affair, the birth of a child, or going deeper in love.
  • Four of Cups - A relationship without affection leading to depression, disappointment, boredom, and possible unexpected resentment. The effect can be positive if the negative aspects lead the person to put aside old fantasies in favor of a more realistic view of love.
  • Five of Cups - The Five warns of a betrayal followed by hurt and remorse; a possible separation, but probably not final; a challenge to compromises in affairs of the heart.
  • Six of Cups - Longing for old loves, the possible return of an old love; the pondering of past romantic fantasies, leading to serenity and strength; and the possible revival and regaining of a previous love.
  • Seven of Cups - The chart implies an emotional involvement - possibly a love relationship - with great potential, which will only be realized if realistic and correct choices are made.
  • Eight of Cups - The Eight involves the abandonment of an emotional tie in a doomed relationship. It also signifies depression, mourning, emptiness, an unknown and ungovernable future.
  • Nine of Cups - The Nine promises pleasure, fulfillment of a precious desire, the reward for effort, the consummation of commitment.
  • Ten of Cups - The contentment presaged in the Nine of Cups continues in the Ten, which also heralds permanent love and a lasting relationship.
  • Jack of Hearts - New emotions, a new relationship, new feelings about an old relationship, and renewal of the capacity to love, starting with self-love forged in a moment of disappointment and seclusion. Regeneration encompasses the possibility of the birth of a child.
  • Queen of Hearts - Deep, mysterious and paradoxical emotions or fantasies, which may have been previously hidden; the romantic and seductive woman - possibly the inquirer, or the "other" - and a deepening of self-perception, these are the messages of the Lady.
  • King of Cups - The King represents the wounded doctor, someone who, because of pain in past relationships, needs to control the course of love in order to avoid new pain. The card can symbolize either the inquirer or someone in his or her life.

If you want to make an online cartomancy consultation, consult Astrocentro's specialists, who are ready to serve you 24 hours a day.

See_also: Taurus Descendant and the search for a stable and secure love

Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu is a renowned astrologer and writer with over a decade of experience in the field. With a passion for helping people uncover their true potential and destiny through astrology, she began contributing to various online publications before co-founding Astrocenter, a leading astrology website. Her extensive knowledge of the stars and their effects on human behavior has helped countless individuals navigate their lives and make positive changes. She is also the author of several astrology books and continues to share her wisdom through her writing and online presence. When she's not interpreting astrological charts, Julie enjoys hiking and exploring nature with her family.