Color Numerology for 2021 - Find out which color will balance your year

Color Numerology for 2021 - Find out which color will balance your year
Julie Mathieu

Discovering the color numerology for 2021 is to gain a powerful ally to understand the trends that will influence your life in the coming year, because both numbers and colors represent tools that emit energies that direct the course of events.

If you thought numerology was only effective for dates or house numbers, know that color numerology for 2021 may surprise you with its power to indicate directions.

To take advantage of yet another tool of the Universe, here, you learn all about color numerology for 2021 and how to calculate your ruling color for the coming year.

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What is color numerology for 2021?

The color numerology for 2021 is the result of numerological observations of the year and people. In this way, it is possible to understand the events that await you and how to behave in each of them in the next annual cycle.

But how does this happen?

The archetypal study of numbers takes into consideration the energy vibration of each algorithm By reducing a name, a year, and a color into a number, it is possible to find out the astral influences received by them.

That is, your full name carries a number that defines your behaviors, just as 2021 is represented by a single algorithm that influences the year. Finally, each number symbolizes a specific color that brings its own energies and benefits.

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Numerology of colors:

  1. Red ;
  2. Orange ;
  3. Yellow ;
  4. Green ;
  5. Blue Of course;
  6. Anil ;
  7. Violet or purple ;
  8. Rosa ;
  9. White .

By discovering the color that will rule your year, according to the color numerology for 2021, you can achieve energetic balance by using it in decorations, clothes, paintings, and objects.

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How to calculate the color numerology for 2021

The color numerology for 2021 is calculated using day and month of your birth plus personnel number for the year 2021 the number 5 (2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5).

Thus, if you are a Sagittarian who was born on December 16, you should calculate the color numerology for 2021 as follows:

  • 16 + 12 + 5 = 33

Since in numerology, compound numbers need to be reduced to a single one, you must continue the calculation with the sum of the result to find the number that represents your color:

  • 3 + 3 = 6

Your result will be the number 6, that is, the color green that brings determination, stability, organization, and many accomplishments for your year 2021.

But if you are, for example, a Virgo girl born on September 15, the calculation of your 2021 ruling color will be:

  • 15 + 9 + 5 = 29
  • 2 + 9 = 11
  • 1 + 1 = 2

As a result you will find the number 2, which symbolizes the color orange, so by wearing this color you will benefit from a year marked by special meetings, cooperative work, and lots of positive news.

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Meaning of the numerology of colors for 2021

1. red

  • Energy: independence, courage, leadership, and self-confidence.

If the result of your numerological calculation is 1, you can be sure that the time to get your projects off the drawing board has finally arrived. This is because the color red brings the energy of beginnings and good resolutions for your year.its goals.

2. orange

  • Energy: joy, cooperation, sociability, relationships, and flexibility.

In numerology, the number 2 is represented by the color orange and vibrates the joyful energy of social encounters with loved ones. In addition, orange also directs your year toward success achieved through cooperation, adaptability, communication, and optimism.

3. yellow

  • Energy: Intelligence, creativity, expressiveness, and communication.

For those whose numerological result is 3, the year 2021 comes with a good dose of unexpected but very welcome events. In this way, yellow will guide you to work creatively to complete your goals. Not to mention that this color also arrives with the vibration of interpersonal relationships that bring good fruits.

4. green

  • Energy: Growth, organization, persistence, and stability.

If your 2021 personnel number is 4, the color that will balance your energies and your environment is green, so your year will be full of challenges that will be overcome through your persistence and determination. The result of this experience will be an excellent opportunity for personal, professional, and spiritual growth.

5. light blue

  • Energy: Freedom, purification, detachment, and understanding.

For the 5 natives, the year 2021 will be a period of surprises that will test your ability to adapt in any circumstance. In addition, you will feel an uncontrollable urge to drop everything and jump into the world to fulfill your dreams, so the message is to let go of what no longer makes sense in your life, and seize the opportunities that will show themselves to you.

Numerology for 2021 : watch the video below and find out what the energy of the number 5 promises for the coming year!

  • Energy: Inspiration, tranquility, conciliation, and affection.

According to color numerology, the number 6 symbolizes indigo, and indicates that the year 2021 will be a peaceful and inspiring time. Despite this calming energy, indigo also brings great responsibilities that you will have to take on. In any case, you will have the love of your family and friends to overcome all difficulties.

7. violet or purple

  • Energy: Insight, self-knowledge, intuition, and determination.

If the result of your color numerology calculation is 7, the color that will influence your life in 2021 will be violet. So get ready to enjoy many moments at home alone, perhaps reading a book, watching a movie, or simply exercising to get to know yourself better.

8. rose

  • Energy: Emotions, achievements, sense of justice and practicality.

The color pink is the bearer of good news, since it carries the optimistic message of projects carried out, so get ready for a year of great success and fulfillment for you. However, you will have to make use of your practical skills, leaving aside the procrastination, to achieve your goals.

9. white

  • Energy: Transformation, altruism, calm and virtue.

The number 9 is represented by white, according to the numerology of colors. This color vibrates the energy of tranquility, peace, and cooperation, so get ready for a 2021 that will recharge your energies through good will and solidarity. Your personal, professional, and spiritual evolution will be linked to the work done in favor of generosity.

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The color numerology for 2021 helps you find the balance in your life so you can reach your full potential next year. If you want to know more about what the numbers can tell you, book an online consultation with one of Astrocentro's numerous numerology experts.

With professionalism and discretion, you get your questions answered by chat, e-mail, or even by phone.

You can also play numerology online and learn more about yourself, your behaviors, and how to make the best decisions in your life. Click here to start the game.

Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu is a renowned astrologer and writer with over a decade of experience in the field. With a passion for helping people uncover their true potential and destiny through astrology, she began contributing to various online publications before co-founding Astrocenter, a leading astrology website. Her extensive knowledge of the stars and their effects on human behavior has helped countless individuals navigate their lives and make positive changes. She is also the author of several astrology books and continues to share her wisdom through her writing and online presence. When she's not interpreting astrological charts, Julie enjoys hiking and exploring nature with her family.