Daughters of Yemanja - Are they lucky in love?

Daughters of Yemanja - Are they lucky in love?
Julie Mathieu

You have already seen in another Astrocentro article how the children of Iemanjá are. daughters of Yemanja ?

The women who have this Head Orixá usually have their own peculiar characteristics. luck in love and whether or not they can haircuts Follow along with us!

Characteristics of the daughters of Yemanjá

The daughters of Yemanjá like to take care of the house, the children, and people in general. They are so generous that they even raise other people's children.

The children are everything to these women, who always keep the concepts of respect and hierarchy very clear with them.

They are cheerful, loyal, generous, hardworking, faithful, and very active. They like to give of themselves, either to people or to a cause. It is common to see them always involved in volunteer work.

Your friends are lucky because they are loyal and attached to their friendships, treating everyone with a motherly affection. They take their friends' problems as if they were their own. Besides, they are excellent psychologists!

Their friends are like their second family. However, they tend to go a little overboard with affection, feeling jealous of their friendships and blackmailing them emotionally.

It is also necessary to be careful when telling a secret to the daughters of Yemanja: they are incapable of keeping it!

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Among their negative characteristics are also the fact that they like to quarrel, are intolerant and irritating.

They do not forgive easily when offended. They are possessive and very jealous. They also tend to exaggerate their truths (not to mention lie).

To make matters worse, they are very vindictive, that is, when they feel offended or hurt, they will do anything to pay back, preferably in kind.

They only settle down and move on when they see the other person suffering a lot because of them.

Controlling their weight is one of their greatest challenges. They are very prone to putting on weight, which is usually a big problem for them, since they are very vain, so they suffer a lot to keep in line and stay away from temptations.

Although they do not possess the exaggerated vanity of Oxum's children, they like luxury, blue and showy clothes, and expensive jewelry.

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Are the daughters of Yemanjá lucky in love?

The daughter of Yemanja is the woman every man dreams of dating. She has a gentle, calm, and delicate manner, and a harmonious beauty. Like a true mermaid, she knows how to bewitch men.

With all these characteristics, how can the daughters of Yemanjá not be lucky in love? Their problem in matters of the heart is that they tend to choose their partners in a very hasty This leads to a lot of love affairs that end before they even begin.

They look for men who are strong in the face of life. This man will have at his side a woman with a great sexual disposition and an immense desire to please him.

However, these qualities can suddenly change. This is because behind the sweet and charming appearance of the daughter of Yemanja, there is an extremely jealous and vengeful woman.

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If she is hurt by something her partner has done, she may go to the extreme: maintaining a parallel romance just to affect your beloved.

They like to be in charge of the relationship. This is mainly because of their maternal nature. They have the need to look after the life of the one they love.

However, when they finally find the perfect person, they give everything to make the relationship work! She is an unmistakable lover and never gives up on her commitments.

The best combinations for the daughters of Yemanja are with men who are sons of Oxóssi, Xangô, and Ogum.

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Daughters of Iemanjá with Ogum

Since Ogum's sons love money, this makes the daughters of Yemanja excellent partners for them.

Because they have common interests, the conversation between them flows naturally and is usually long and interesting.

They just need to beware of stubbornness on both sides to avoid useless arguments in their daily lives.

Daughters of Yemanjá with Oxóssi

The sons of Oxóssi have a tendency to keep quiet in front of problems, which makes them perfect matches for the daughters of Yemanja, who have the need to dominate within a relationship.

The daughters of Yemanjá just need to be careful not to exaggerate and tire the sons of Oxóssi.

Daughters of Yemanjá with Xangô

The daughters of Yemanja and the sons of Xangô have very similar personalities, which can be very good or very bad. This will depend on how much both are willing to give in to make the relationship work.

Both are extremely vindictive, decisive, and have a need to assert themselves all the time. These characteristics can result in arguments. Both need to be patient with each other.

Can Iemanjá's daughter cut her hair?

According to the belief of the Umbandists, the strength of the daughters of Yemanja is concentrated in their hair. They say that the daughter's hair belongs more to the Orixá than the person herself.

Therefore, it is recommended that the daughter of Yemanjá ask the head mother's approval to be able to touch them, either to cut or use chemistry in her hair.

This request can even be made mentally, in your contact with Yemanja, always remembering that the orixás are part of the energy of God Himself.

A practice that some daughters of Yemanjá like to follow is to keep their cut hair to offer it as an offering to their mother.

See how to make a homage to Yemanjá .

Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu is a renowned astrologer and writer with over a decade of experience in the field. With a passion for helping people uncover their true potential and destiny through astrology, she began contributing to various online publications before co-founding Astrocenter, a leading astrology website. Her extensive knowledge of the stars and their effects on human behavior has helped countless individuals navigate their lives and make positive changes. She is also the author of several astrology books and continues to share her wisdom through her writing and online presence. When she's not interpreting astrological charts, Julie enjoys hiking and exploring nature with her family.