Discover the dark side of the air signs

Discover the dark side of the air signs
Julie Mathieu

A Librian can be delicate and elegant, but she also has her strongest and most intense side. All signs have several facets, both positive and negative, and it is important to know all of them. Terra, Astrocentro's astrologer, has elaborated a list with the the dark side of the air signs .

The dark side of the air signs

The Dark Side of the Sign of Gemini - The Gemini's head can imprison a person, especially when he/she analyzes life exclusively through the mind and rationality, because there is basically no reason for the feelings, they have their own logic. This generates a certain internal confusion.

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There are also the infinite dualities within the creature, the inconstancy, the "I always want to be where I'm not", which generate conflicts. Besides this, the person ruled by this sign of the zodiac can present a frivolous behavior when facing moments that demand a serious posture and difficulty in making emotional surrenders.

The Dark Side of Libra - The Librian has a typical delay in making up his mind, because he always wants to make the perfect decision, and this takes time that sometimes does not exist. Sometimes he simply gives up and never makes up his mind.

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The person can be very inwardly tense, because he is born into an environment strongly polarized between his father and mother. There is some clear kind of opposition and incompatibility there. Despite the mix, he grows up seeing two such different worlds often coming into tension, and ends up being tense together! Those ruled by Libra have a tendency to recreate in adult love relationships the same degree oftension and division experienced in the domestic environment in the early years of life.

Another darker side of this sign is that it spends so much of its life focused on fitting in better with its surroundings, with others, that it stops doing what it most wants to do.

The Dark Side of Aquarius - The Aquarius person feels that he or she is unique, incomparable, and misunderstood, and in fact may not be all that. He or she sees himself or herself as someone very different from the human race for some reason, and is not seen as such by others.

The Aquarian is controversial, rebellious, and stubborn. This is a fixed sign, not a flex sign at all. He can enjoy all situations, as long as it is his way. It is difficult to reach him emotionally and sexually, especially because he has an unconscious fear of the irrational, the feminine side of existence, where science and reason cannot penetrate.

Can you identify any of your acquaintances? Keep an eye on your surroundings and notice how the dark side of each sign always appears at some point!

Learn more:

  • The dark side of the Fire signs
  • The dark side of the Water signs
  • The dark side of Earth signs
  • Women - Find out which are the most cheating signs
  • Men - Find out which signs are the most cheating

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Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu is a renowned astrologer and writer with over a decade of experience in the field. With a passion for helping people uncover their true potential and destiny through astrology, she began contributing to various online publications before co-founding Astrocenter, a leading astrology website. Her extensive knowledge of the stars and their effects on human behavior has helped countless individuals navigate their lives and make positive changes. She is also the author of several astrology books and continues to share her wisdom through her writing and online presence. When she's not interpreting astrological charts, Julie enjoys hiking and exploring nature with her family.