Discover the dark side of the fire signs

Discover the dark side of the fire signs
Julie Mathieu

Each sign has a positive side and a not so nice side, but one that makes us more interesting and complex. When we get to know this dark side of each one, we can deal better with people and also prepare ourselves for possible complications in the future. Astrocentro's astrologer, Terra, has prepared a list with the dark side of each sign of the fire element:

The dark side of the Aries sign - The authoritarian and tyrannical side that the Aryan so loathes and fights against early in life can come to the surface later on, since he does not accept being contradicted. Other darker characteristics of this sign are excessive reactivity, aggressiveness due to the influence of Mars, immediacy, haste, the inability to think twice and put himself in the other's place.

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All these personality traits are present in some way in the person ruled by Aries, and we need to help him to control himself, especially when things start to go wrong for a longer period of time and his ideals are not realized. At this moment, pessimism takes over the Arian and he becomes a bitter and somewhat unpleasant person.

The dark side of the sign of Leo - The search for self-love (self-worth), the central theme of the sign, is often not an easy process and can occur in a not-so-healthy way, either with the "inflated ego" or the excessive pseudo self-esteem, which is nothing more than a mask to cover up a fragile face without self-identification.

A person who does not like and respect himself often seeks self-affirmation in abusive relationships, addictions, gambling, etc. Another darker characteristic of the Leo is self-centeredness. The private will often overrides the common will, and the people around him need to draw his attention to this fact, because those ruled by Leo can hurt others easily.

The dark side of the sign of Sagittarius - Arrogance is the darkest characteristic of the Sagittarian. A person who feels that his political, religious, or philosophical views are superior to those of others, and expresses his opinion in an aggressive and even rude manner, and may offend those around him.

The need for freedom and, at the same time, for a serious and meaningful love relationship - let's face it, it's not easy, because the relationship usually restricts both of them after a while, causing conflicts. Another dark side is the eternal search for a truth, a meaning in life, which can translate into inconstancy, dissatisfaction, and rebellion.

Now that you know a little more about the dark side of each fire sign, maybe it will be easier to understand that person who is difficult, stuck-up, or too incisive, won't it?

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  • The dark side of the Air signs
  • The dark side of the Water signs
  • The dark side of Earth signs
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  • Men - Find out which signs are the most cheating

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Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu is a renowned astrologer and writer with over a decade of experience in the field. With a passion for helping people uncover their true potential and destiny through astrology, she began contributing to various online publications before co-founding Astrocenter, a leading astrology website. Her extensive knowledge of the stars and their effects on human behavior has helped countless individuals navigate their lives and make positive changes. She is also the author of several astrology books and continues to share her wisdom through her writing and online presence. When she's not interpreting astrological charts, Julie enjoys hiking and exploring nature with her family.