Discover what spiritual channeling is and how messages are transmitted

Discover what spiritual channeling is and how messages are transmitted
Julie Mathieu

Spiritual channeling is a process of conscious energetic-spiritual communication with spirits who are on other spiritual planes. According to spiritualism, in the human body there is a communication channel between mind-brain-heart that functions as a bridge connecting the physical plane to the spiritual plane.

It is important to stress that this is not mediumship, because channeling is always conscious and occurs at the moment of expansion of the mind that is allowed by the channel, in this case the individual.

So, it is not a "vision" or something sudden, it is a moment planned and executed by beings of light who have this gift of communication with other planes. This individual to function as a channel needs to be a truly spiritual person, with an open mind and superior ideas of body-soul evolution.

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This expansion of the mind is fundamental because the five senses vibrate in horizontal bands, through which information from the external world reaches our physical consciousness.

However, to perceive the spiritual world, it is necessary to expand the consciousness to high levels of understanding and sensitivity, to then capture the vertical vibrations, which are those attuned to other dimensions and lead to the universe of spirits.

How are the messages transmitted?

Through spiritual channeling, the sensitives create a communication channel and join the spirit that wants to communicate through it. The communication occurs through energetic impulses that reach the right cerebral hemisphere and are then sent to the left cerebral hemisphere, where the spoken and written language is, to be decoded and transmitted through speech or writing.of the individual.

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The two main ways of transmitting these messages are psychography, which has Chico Xavier as its greatest master, and ordinary speech, where the spirit can communicate freely through the spiritual channel. Besides the brain, the individual's heart also receives vibrations with the feelings that the spirit wants to transmit.

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How does spiritual evolution interfere in the channeling of messages?

The individuals who function as a communication channel between our plane and the spiritual plane establish contact with the spirits, and the information received flows through the latter into the consciousness, being translated through words, concepts, and the individual's imagination.

The spiritual evolution of the individual interferes precisely in this transcription of messages, because the way messages are interpreted depends on each one's stage of personal spiritual growth.

From these levels of spiritual evolution the messages are further expanded, clarified, and modified in the course of individual spiritual development. This is why it is so important to record and re-read what has been channeled, to accompany this evolution.

Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu is a renowned astrologer and writer with over a decade of experience in the field. With a passion for helping people uncover their true potential and destiny through astrology, she began contributing to various online publications before co-founding Astrocenter, a leading astrology website. Her extensive knowledge of the stars and their effects on human behavior has helped countless individuals navigate their lives and make positive changes. She is also the author of several astrology books and continues to share her wisdom through her writing and online presence. When she's not interpreting astrological charts, Julie enjoys hiking and exploring nature with her family.