How Pythagorean numerology works? Learn how to calculate

How Pythagorean numerology works? Learn how to calculate
Julie Mathieu

Pythagorean numerology is the main branch used in the Western region to study the meaning of numbers It is through this that the concepts and influences of numbers in our lives and in the universe are revealed.

The cosmic vibrations of numerology allow us to discover the best paths and the proper guidance to follow a fuller and happier life. Self-knowledge and harmony are two keywords for those who wish to unveil the meaning of the numbers behind their name.

Read on to learn in detail what Pythagorean numerology is, how it works, and find out how it can help you!

What is Pythagorean numerology?

Pythagorean numerology is the study of numbers that can be analyzed to interpret their influence in our lives. These numbers can reveal cosmic vibrations and provide guidance to help us follow the right path according to our destiny.

As the name implies, Pythagorean numerology is based on the mathematical foundations of Pythagoras, who lived in ancient Greece in 600 BC. He is considered the " Father of Modern Numerology ".

Each number in Pythagorean numerology carries its own meanings and symbols When unraveled, these numbers help us translate the mysteries of our own existence.

In Pythagorean numerology, each number has a metaphysical value of great significance. It is as if they were messages that reveal internal characteristics of each person. In turn, these can influence and point to various aspects of one's destiny.

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How can Pythagorean numerology help you?

Before you learn how to calculate your number according to the Pythagorean numerology table, it is interesting to understand how exactly

The sum of the numbers in your date of birth ( called the number of the first impression ) and the sum of the numbers obtained from the letters of its name ( called the number of the expression ) have interrelated vibrations.

The point is that these numbers show a wealth of personal characteristics. You can explore everything from life purpose, love relationships, name combination, gifts and talents for career and work, what motivates you, and many others.

The meaning of the numbers in Pythagorean numerology can also help determine the best time for major life changes and activities.

Do you want to know the best time to invest? When you should get married according to numerology? Or on which date to schedule that dream trip of yours? Maybe to change jobs or even change addresses?

With all the information of an individual or even a company, such as the complete name on the certificate, company name, date of birth or date of foundation, it is possible to perform a numerological mapping .

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The birth date records, among other things, how the person's practical life will be, indicating the best moments, levels of challenges, and tests to be faced. It is even possible to calculate numerology for pregnancy.

Some people like to do just the numerology of their name, which reveals their most outstanding features, as well as identifying their evolutionary level.

However, the ideal is to do a complete mapping, because you have an overview of all aspects. Any aspect analyzed through numerology can be useful for understanding yourself and what will be faced ahead.

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How does Pythagorean numerology work?

The Pythagorean aspect of numerology understands that the numbers from 1 to 9 are the closest to divinity, because they are considered pure and original, being called elemental.

The other numbers come from the combination of these 9. By doing the reduction in a Pythagorean numerological operation, all the double numbers, with the exception of 11 and 22 are decomposed until only one number remains, which will be an elementary number.

This reduction is a simplification of a method created by Pythagoras to understand the essence and meaning of numbers in numerology.

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We will explain this calculation in detail further down in the text, so you can learn and do it yourself!

For Pythagorean numerology, all things can be transformed into numbers, and all of life's experiences are contained in the numbers from 1 to 9. They are like mystical principles of evolution and of situations experienced.

Each number represents an area of human experience and each letter of the Pythagorean numerological table corresponds to a number. According to Pythagoras' studies, numbers are the physical and ethereal essences of everything in the universe and carry characteristics of their own .

How to do the Pythagorean numerology of the name?

The number that represents your name reveals your potentials, strengths, and the destination in relation to these capabilities. Let's learn how to do the numerology calculation?

See below the Pythagorean numerology table :

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Pythagorean Numerology Table

In the Pythagorean system, it is important to analyze the aspects of your full name given at the time of your birth. This is because it establishes the energy that you impacted the world when you got here.

In other words, you will need to use every vowel and consonant of your first and last names that you have. So, get pen and paper and let's get to the calculations!

To begin, you must add up all the letters in the name, until it becomes a unit. This is a rule, unless the result of the sum is 11 or 22 for these tens contain the meaning itself.

Let's take the example of Pythagorean numerology using the name "Maria de Souza". According to the table, we have the following combination: M = 4, A = 1, R = 9, I = 9, A = 1, D = 4, E = 5, S = 1, O = 6, U = 3, Z = 8, A = 1 .

Adding all these numbers gives us the result 52, but we need it to become a unit, so we add the 5 to the 2. This way we need to do one last sum: 5 + 2 = 7 .

In other words, the Pythagorean numerology for the name Maria de Souza is 7 .

Watch the video below for more details on how to calculate the numerology of your name!

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What do the numbers mean in Pythagorean numerology?

The meaning of the numbers in Pythagorean numerology, when unraveled, can also help determine the best time for major life moves and activities, such as deciding when to invest, when to get married, when to travel, when to change jobs or address.

Thus, we can perform a numerological mapping of a person or a company, starting from the full certificate name, company name, date of birth, or date of foundation.

Or even reveal the most outstanding personality traits of a person through his or her name, and identify his or her evolutionary level.

The date of birth records, among other things, what the person's practical life will be like, indicating the best moments, levels of challenges, and tests to be faced.

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Pythagorean Numerology - Number 1

The meaning of the number 1 in Pythagorean Numerology represents a person who can take initiative and has great leadership, strength, and ambition.

It is also the number that indicates courage, independence, individuality, and achievements, and is considered the main number for beginners, that is, for those who are starting in the esoteric sciences.

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Pythagorean Numerology - Number 2

The person whose numerology name is number 2 is gentle and delicate. She presents a passivity that makes her discreet and harmonious, demonstrating a high capacity to feel empathy and to be patient.

She is someone who cares about helping others, has great consideration for people, and this makes her a conciliatory personality. She is always trying to mediate conflicts, wanting a peaceful solution.

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Pythagorean Numerology - Number 3

Number 3 is characterized by creativity and expression. It is the number of that extroverted and communicative person who loves to talk and exchange ideas. Within spirituality, the number 3 is considered as the union between body, spirit and mind It represents balance.

The personality of the number 3 is that of a pleasant and talented person, always in search of knowledge and offering all his intellectual capacity in return.

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  • Meaning of the number 3 in Numerology

Pythagorean Numerology - Number 4

The number 4 defines a very materialistic person, a characteristic that is reflected both in his personal and professional life. The individual who has the meaning of number 4 in numerology avoids subjective things, because he prefers to have his feet on the ground.

Since they are always thinking about the practicalities of life, the person with number 4 seeks to invest in the things that can offer them the most security. They always opt for traditional means to reach their goals.

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Pythagorean Numerology - Number 5

The number 5 person values freedom and open spaces. He is sensual, fun, and expresses himself in places where he can spend all his energy. His personality is usually superactive, restless, curious, and impulsive.

Besides all this, the person with number 5 has a very fertile imagination, loves to do many things at the same time, likes to advise, and never denies help when someone needs it. He is a peaceful person with a lot to offer, and deserves the trust of his friends.

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Pythagorean Numerology - Number 6

The 6 is the number of responsible, caring, creative and balanced people, with a sense of humanity and loyalty. She always strives for perfection, likes to pay attention to her family, her relationships, and her responsibilities.

The personality of person number 6 is passionate and humanistic, feeling a great need to help people. Sometimes he may even sacrifice himself for those he loves. He is usually a tolerant person, although he can become stubborn when repeatedly contradicted.

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Pythagorean Numerology - Number 7

Despite appearing "cold and calculating", the person with number 7 is very demanding, both with himself and with acquaintances and family members. He likes well-organized environments, and prefers to avoid noise and agitation. He has a great appreciation for concentration and wisdom.

However, at times, a person with number 7 can be inflexible, easily angered, and sarcastic. Even so, this is a wise person, who thinks deeply about all things and is interested in mystical and spiritual matters.

  • Meaning of 7 in Numerology

Pythagorean Numerology - Number 8

The meaning of the number 8 in Numerology characterizes hard-working people who know how to manage their efforts. They make any kind of sacrifice for what they believe in. They are demanding, efficient, and ambitious.

On the other hand, the person with number 8 can also be very cold, materialistic, and have difficulties showing their feelings. They are people who fight hard for what they want, both materially and spiritually.

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Pythagorean Numerology - Number 9

9 is the number that represents helpful, generous, artistic, and creative people. They are usually connected to activities such as writing and communication.

The person with the number 9 is kind, generous, and emotional. However, at the same time, the person with this number can also be possessive, having an excessive appreciation for the people they love, as well as being very consumerist.

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Pythagorean Numerology - Number 11

11 is a spiritual and intuitive number. It symbolizes idealism, perfectionism, collaboration, and clairvoyance. In other words, it characterizes the most idealistic and inspiring people, capable of illuminating the world and people through their enlightened ideas.

Generally speaking, people with the number 11 are those who offer joy and inspiration, keeping their feet on the ground to such an extent that in certain situations they can be a bit inconvenient.

Connected to spirituality, and friendly, inspiring, intuitive and patient.

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Pythagorean Numerology - Number 22

The person with the number 22 has an ethereal air around him/her. He/she is the one who always observes the world paying attention to the details. Therefore, he/she is a person who even following the flow of routine is never entirely in the world.

Her head is on another plane, much more perfect and full of dreams and concepts. She tries to see how things could be, aiming for an ideal society in a broader sense. Sometimes she can end up getting lost in the world of the moon.

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Want to know more about numerology?

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If you prefer, you can also consult with one of our numerologists to learn more about the possible interpretations of your Pythagorean numerology results.

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Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu is a renowned astrologer and writer with over a decade of experience in the field. With a passion for helping people uncover their true potential and destiny through astrology, she began contributing to various online publications before co-founding Astrocenter, a leading astrology website. Her extensive knowledge of the stars and their effects on human behavior has helped countless individuals navigate their lives and make positive changes. She is also the author of several astrology books and continues to share her wisdom through her writing and online presence. When she's not interpreting astrological charts, Julie enjoys hiking and exploring nature with her family.