Know what it means to dream of someone saying they love you

Know what it means to dream of someone saying they love you
Julie Mathieu

Sigmund Freud, the creator of psychoanalysis, already stated that dreams are the manifestation of the desires of our unconscious mind. That is, those that have been repressed by our conscious mind. If we base ourselves on Freudian theory, to dream of someone saying that they love you is a repressed desire for this to happen.

According to psychoanalysis, understanding the meaning of our dreams is essential for self-knowledge. The need to understand the meanings suggested by dreams, however, is intertwined with the history of humanity itself.

For different cultures, they are divine inspiration. Some ancient civilizations took them so seriously that the Egyptians, for example, created a system to interpret them, based on the belief that they had the ability to predict the future.

His studies were recorded in the oldest known dream dictionary, more than 4,000 years old, which is currently on display at the British Museum in London.

The idea of divinity and clairvoyance of dreams is also present in religions. For Catholics, dreams, as described in the Bible, are messages from God.

For spiritualists, these are the effects of the emancipation of the soul, which becomes more independent through the suspension of active life. A moment in which clairvoyance occurs, extending to different places or situations.

To understand the symbolism of dreaming of someone saying they love you, we have selected different interpretations. According to the context in which the dream takes place, it can be a good omen, or even a warning sign. Find out below what dreaming of someone saying they love you means in each situation:

To dream of your beloved saying that they love you

A declaration of love from your beloved can have different meanings. However, contrary to popular belief, this type of dream is not a premonition of a happy relationship with this person, nor is it a confirmation of their feelings for you.

In fact, it carries other symbologies. The first concerns the need to observe the effects that disappointments have had on your emotional life, and how they reflect on your current relationship.

The feeling aroused by the dream should also be noted. If it is of the heart-wrenching kind, it may indicate your desire to relive an old emotion.

On the other hand, if dreaming of your loved one saying that they love you suggests a matching relationship, beware: someone may be intent on interfering in your love life, disrupting your plans.

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To dream of your boyfriend saying that he loves you

One of the most significant warning signs from dreaming of someone saying they love you, is when the dream has the boyfriend as the central figure. Usually it calls attention to the difficulty your boyfriend has in expressing some feeling.

It is important to be open to what he has to say. After all, for a relationship to have a chance of succeeding, it is essential to develop empathy and try to put yourself, whenever possible, in the other person's shoes.

To dream of a friend saying that he loves you

This kind of dream statement can be a manifestation of your unconscious about feelings that you are trying to hide. It is important to stop and do some thinking. A tip is to answer questions like:

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  • What do I feel for him?
  • Should I move forward in the relationship?
  • Is my feeling reciprocated?
  • Am I really feeling this or is it just neediness?
  • Is it more important to have him as a friend or to invest in an affectionate relationship?

We often let opportunities pass by that could represent incredible moments in our lives. However, it is important to always be aware of fantasies. When we are needy, we are more inclined to create our own fairy tale, complete with prince charming and crystal shoes.

To dream of an acquaintance telling you that they love you

This is a sign of high self-esteem and well-fitting self-love. It shows that you value yourself and therefore feel valued by other people.

The dream may be about a co-worker or even a neighbor. It doesn't matter. It is a person who most likely has a very generous view of you. It may be interesting to cultivate a relationship, even if only as a friendship, since you can never be surrounded by people who admire you.

To dream of a man in love telling you that he loves you

When the protagonist of the dream is a man who is very much in love, dreaming of someone who loves you carries the meaning that you are already ready to love again. It illustrates the moment when the wounds of the old relationship are already healed.

If you are looking for a new relationship, be prepared. This is the ideal time to build more mature relationships that don't repeat the mistakes of the past.

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To dream of an ex saying that he loves you

If on the one hand this type of dream suggests the scene of the past knocking at the door, on the other hand it also alerts you to the possibility that your current relationship is at risk. In this case it is important to be attentive to the signs. Your partner may be communicating his or her dissatisfaction by gestures or attitudes, often subliminally.

Another action that deserves special attention when we dream about people from the past, is that of repetition. The dream can, at the same time, be a warning about the tendency we have to make the same mistakes. Because we are already conditioned to this, we don't realize it. What didn't work out in your past relationship, may be repeating itself in the current one.

To dream of a famous actor telling you that he loves you

Usually when we dream of people who have greater public recognition than we do, regardless of the situation, it means that our self-esteem is low and that there is great dissatisfaction in our personal and professional lives.

When a famous actor declares his love, insecurity is even more evident in the emotional aspects. Most probably you are needy, although you don't feel at all sure of yourself to start a relationship.

In moments like this, the most important thing is to take care of what is out of place, and look for alternatives that bring greater satisfaction, until esteem is again balanced.

To dream of your mother saying that she loves you

Unconditional maternal love, when it is declared in a dream, is an omen that good things are about to happen. The period that is being announced is one of harvest, and it will be strengthened by the power of the bond that unites mothers and children.

On the other hand, when we cultivate love, we reap the same feeling. In other words, the reward that is to come also reflects your good conduct in life.

To dream of someone saying that they love you in writing

If you dreamed of someone telling you they love you in writing, get ready to experience a strong and resilient love. After all, the most powerful word is the one that goes on record.

When you dream of someone saying they love you in writing, be grateful for the gift from the gods. They are preparing a meeting of souls who have known each other for a long time and have always walked together in the experience of evolution.

To analyze your dreams more accurately, try to write them down at the moment you wake up, when the details of what you dream are still clear in your conscious memory.

Now that you know what it means to dream of someone telling you they love you, check also:

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  • Learn what it means to dream of an ex-husband
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Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu is a renowned astrologer and writer with over a decade of experience in the field. With a passion for helping people uncover their true potential and destiny through astrology, she began contributing to various online publications before co-founding Astrocenter, a leading astrology website. Her extensive knowledge of the stars and their effects on human behavior has helped countless individuals navigate their lives and make positive changes. She is also the author of several astrology books and continues to share her wisdom through her writing and online presence. When she's not interpreting astrological charts, Julie enjoys hiking and exploring nature with her family.