Know who was Saint Mary, mother of God, and understand her prayer!

Know who was Saint Mary, mother of God, and understand her prayer!
Julie Mathieu

Holy Mary, mother of God, is the one full of the Holy Spirit, who was greeted by her cousin Elizabeth as "blessed among women", because she is the one who is in the highest place in the church after Christ. Today she is often called Our Lady, Virgin Mary or even Mary of Nazareth, so let's get to know a little about Mary, mother of Jesus. But get to know now the story of this woman so important toexistence of Christianity.

Who is the Virgin Mary?

As a way to achieve the reconciliation of men, God created a woman free from original sin and all others, who from the first day of her existence was always holy. This woman, Mary of Nazareth, would be the then Holy Mary, mother of God.

In this way, the Blessed Virgin Mary is the perfect woman, full of virtues and grace, who is Mary the mother of Jesus and also our mother according to the Catholic religion.

Catholic prayers to St. Mary, mother of God

There are several Catholic prayers to the mother of the Savior and all of them are equally powerful, so we list the 3 main ones:

1 - Ave Maria

A part of the Hail Mary prayer is composed of phrases from the Holy Scriptures. For example, the phrase "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you" was said by St. Gabriel.

Already "Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb," came out of the mouth of St. Elizabeth.

The second part of the prayer to Mary is a request for protection at the time of death by the faithful.

See below the prayer in its entirety:

"Hail Mary, full of grace,

The Lord is with you.

Blessed are you among women,

And blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus!

Holy Mary, Mother of God,

Pray for us sinners,

Now and at the time of our death.


2 - Prayer of Saint Mary, mother of God, to ask for protection

Mary, the full of grace, is a great intercessor and through her it is possible to get from God what we ask for.

A great proof of this is that in Jesus' first miracle, the one where water is changed into wine, Our Lady acted as a supplicant and Christ did not refuse her request. Consequently, this is one of the strongest Catholic prayers of request for protection.

See below the prayer in its entirety:

"Hail Queen Mother of Mercy,

Life sweet hope our salve!

To you we cry, the outcast children of Eve.

To you we sigh, groaning and weeping in this vale of tears

She, then, our advocate,

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Those merciful eyes of yours

Back to us,

And, after this banishment.

Show us Jesus, the blessed fruit of Thy womb

O clement, O merciful, O sweet Virgin Mary

Pray for us, Holy Mother of God,

To be worthy of the promises of Christ.


3 - Prayer Mary goes ahead

Our Lady steps forward to help in the most difficult cases and even those considered impossible, because she intervenes in favor of those who ask. See below the prayer in its entirety:

"Mary goes ahead and opens roads and paths, opening doors and gates, opening homes and hearts.

The mother going ahead, the children are protected and follow in her footsteps. Mary goes ahead and solves everything that we are incapable of solving.

Mother takes care of everything that is out of our reach. You have the power to do it!

Mother, go on calming, serenading, and softening hearts. End hatred, grudges, sorrows, and curses. End difficulties, sadness, and temptations. Take your children away from perdition! Mary, you are Mother and also a Portress.

Mary goes ahead and takes care of all the details, cares for, helps, and protects all Your children.

Mary, I beg you: go ahead, lead, help and heal the children who need you. No one has been let down, after having invoked your protection.

Only you, with the power of your Son, Jesus, can solve the difficult and impossible things. Our Lady, I make this prayer asking for your protection! Amen!"

  • Take advantage and check here also another powerful prayer to the Virgin Mary!

The Story of Saint Mary, Mother of God

As seen, the Catholic prayers addressed to Mary the mother of Jesus are inspiring, as is the story of this woman.

The New Testament, for example, already begins with the angel Gabriel announcing to the Virgin Mary that she was chosen to be the mother of Jesus. In his visit, Gabriel referred to Mary as a blessed woman, recipient of God's favor and chosen to be the mother of Christ.

At that time Mary was a young virgin living in a small village in Galilee who was engaged to a carpenter named Joseph, and in this context, the angel's greeting caused fear and perplexity in her.

However, Gabriel reassured the virgin and answered all her doubts, so Mary was sincerely grateful and surrendered for this blessing.

Joseph, however, did not accept his fiancée's sudden pregnancy very well, and it was necessary for an angel of the Lord to appear to him in a dream and explain to him what had happened. After this fact, Joseph took Mary as his wife, because he was more encouraged and comforted.

Mary then gave birth to Jesus in Bethlehem and after that there are few details concerning the story of the Holy Mary mother God.

The two most asked questions about Holy Mary, Mother of God

Have you ever wanted to know why Mary was chosen to be Jesus' mother? Want to better understand how she is God's mother if she is Jesus' mother? Then you have come to the right place! Check out the answers to these two questions that haunt the minds of many religious people.

Why was the Virgin Mary chosen to be Jesus' mother?

There are no whys that reveal the reasons why Mary the mother of Jesus was chosen. What is known only is that Mary was grateful and was blessed to give birth to the son of God.

Why is she the mother of God if she is the mother of Jesus?

It is common not to understand why Holy Mary, the mother of God, is called this way, since she is also the mother of Jesus.

But the explanation is very simple!

Mary is God's mother because He became man in Jesus Christ, that is, she is Holy Mary, God's mother, and she is also Mary, Jesus' mother. Did you understand?

  • Come here and check out the famous and powerful Lord's Prayer!

After all, what is the importance of the Holy Mary in the Catholic Church?

In the Protestant church the virgin is not usually so exalted, but in the Catholic church the Holy Mary, mother of God, assumes an important role. She is considered the mother of Mercy.

Thus, having as "Mother of Mercy" one of the greatest titles within the church, which is given to her precisely because she is Mother of divine grace, a title that is put on her because she is Mother of God.

Solemnity of Holy Mary, Mother of God

On January 1st, also known as the Universal Day of Peace, the Catholic Church celebrates the Solemnity of Holy Mary, mother of Jesus in the ministry of her Divine Maternity.

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This is because this date symbolizes the transformation of the Holy Virgin into "Mother of God".

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Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu is a renowned astrologer and writer with over a decade of experience in the field. With a passion for helping people uncover their true potential and destiny through astrology, she began contributing to various online publications before co-founding Astrocenter, a leading astrology website. Her extensive knowledge of the stars and their effects on human behavior has helped countless individuals navigate their lives and make positive changes. She is also the author of several astrology books and continues to share her wisdom through her writing and online presence. When she's not interpreting astrological charts, Julie enjoys hiking and exploring nature with her family.