Learn about the Moon's phases in 2022

Learn about the Moon's phases in 2022
Julie Mathieu

The only and largest natural satellite on Earth is responsible for many aspects of human life. This is because the Moon has a direct influence on our body, mind and also on the world. A simple comparison to better understand this scenario is to think of the sea and the tide, which rises and falls according to the Moon phases in 2022 .

What happens is that when the moon and the planet Earth are perfectly aligned, a force of attraction of the satellite with the water. This is the phenomenon that defines whether the tide will be high or low.

Bearing in mind that the human body is composed of more than 70% water, it is clear the influence that the Moon has on our feelings and/or behavior. In addition, it is also a great symbol of femininity because its phases are connected with women's menstrual cycles.

Each phase of the Moon emanates a different energy that affects a specific area of human life. Some may be more influenced than others, of course. However, at the end of each lunar cycle it is interesting to reflect on this wisdom.

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So knowing and understanding the Moon's phases gives us a chance to use this energy and power to our advantage, for example in dealing with everyday sensations and goals. Want to know more about? Discover now the calendar of the Moon's phases in 2022.

The Moon's phases in 2022 and their influences

New Moon Phase in 2022

The New Moon is the most difficult to see. The reason is that during this phase the satellite is always positioned exactly between the Sun and the Earth. That is, the visible part does not receive any sunlight.

This phase is known for the opening of a new lunar cycle, giving the opportunity to renew energies, whether to start a new project or to continue something that has been stopped. The New Moon gives you the courage to take the first steps and achieve what you want.

During this period, it is important to remember the old story of the harvest - humans reap what they sow. However, the seed that goes into the ground today must be cultivated before it bears fruit. The tip is not to try to hurry a process that should be natural, just invest in it. After all, the New Moon offers another opportunity to succeed in what you do today, provided you work hardat that.

In matters of feelings about the phases of the Moon in 2022, the New Moon is the one that tends to bring calmness, freedom, and less worry. It is a more individual cycle as well.

Phase of the Crescent Moon in 2022

The Crescent Moon comes with a simple but energetically different message from the previous phase: stop thinking and start acting.

The Moon's phases in 2022 present this cycle as a time that encourages everyone to continue the projects and plans that were started in the past but at some point and for some reason, were abandoned. It is, figuratively, the idea of growth and evolution.

In this phase, the Moon provides more willingness to take initiative and have attitudes that put you toward the realization of your dreams. It will be necessary to put effort into yourself, to be creative and proactive.

Full Moon Phase in 2022

This phase is important because it is at this time that the satellite receives a large amount of sunlight and becomes completely visible in the sky. It is beautiful, worth stopping to observe and admire. Remember the story about the harvest? Well, the Full Moon is when you can reap all the fruits of what you planted back there - work, relationships, personal growth, etc.

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Remember that it is not because you are reaping now, that you should stop sowing again. Keep working hard on the other stages.

Also, the Full Moon moves more in tune with nature. This includes tides, plants, and emotions. Here, everyone becomes more concerned about emotions that get too confused and superficial. It is that feeling of being sensitive and on the edge of one's skin.

Love is also greatly affected during this lunar cycle, because we become more romantic and open to communication. For example, those who are single become more willing to meet new people.

As all is not flowers, the downside of the Full Moon is that we become more anxious, unstable, and moody. Our moods change easily and we may act more impulsively. The Full Moon is also a very social time, which can encourage teamwork and collaboration.

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Waning Moon Phase in 2022

The last lunar cycle is the Waning Moon. Now is the best time to finish and finalize your projects. Take a rest, try to relax and remove yourself from too crowded environments. They can damage your energy and make you feel too full. Take the time to reflect on your habits, your relationships and the way you feel about them. Of course, you should not abandonwhat you like but it is great to leave behind what is not good for you.

The Waning Moon is not a phase of sociability. What stands out here is becoming more secluded and intimate with yourself. This is because your personal energy is at a lower rate. The tip is for you to save and use this cycle to recharge, so you can start the next cycle renewed.

Now that you know what the Moon phases in 2022 Take a look and check it out too:


Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu is a renowned astrologer and writer with over a decade of experience in the field. With a passion for helping people uncover their true potential and destiny through astrology, she began contributing to various online publications before co-founding Astrocenter, a leading astrology website. Her extensive knowledge of the stars and their effects on human behavior has helped countless individuals navigate their lives and make positive changes. She is also the author of several astrology books and continues to share her wisdom through her writing and online presence. When she's not interpreting astrological charts, Julie enjoys hiking and exploring nature with her family.