Learn about the various types of mediumship

Learn about the various types of mediumship
Julie Mathieu

Mediumship can take many forms, so mediums are classified according to how they can communicate with the spirit world. Many people wonder what mediumship is, thinking that there is only one possible type. But did you know that there are several types of mediumship So, check it out now and understand how this gift works.

Learning what is Mediumship

In general, a medium is anyone who can consciously communicate with the spiritual realm, that is, beyond the physical realm. However, there are different types of mediumship, as they involve the capture of energies that go beyond the conventional world. Therefore, not everyone develops mediumship. Learn more about the types of mediumship and their main characteristics.

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Understand now the types of mediumship and about mediums

Understanding sensitive mediums - Sensitive mediums are able to recognize the presence of spirits in a very sharp way. Not only that, they can perceive whether the spirit is emanating good or bad energies. People who develop sensitive mediumship are able to know the characteristics of beings from the spirit world, including details about their individuality.

Mediums with physical effect - When they are dominated by a spirit - incorporation - mediums with physical effect produce changes on the earthly plane. This is one of the types of mediumship that can be separated into subtypes. This is because the paranormal phenomena are generated consciously or unconsciously by the medium.

Clairvoyant or clairvoyant mediums - It is important to point out that this occurs through the medium's soul and not through the eyes. Therefore, clairvoyant or psychic mediums can see spirits both with their eyes open and closed.

Hearing mediums - Unlike clairvoyant mediums, who can see spirits, auditory mediums can only hear them. The voice of the spirits can manifest itself to them in an inner or outer manner. In the first case (inner voice), the medium hears in a more intimate and private way. In the second (outer voice), the voice is clear, as if it were from a personThe hearing medium can hold conversations with spirits.

Healing mediums - Healing mediums are able to bring an illness to an end, either by touch or by sight. Even without knowing the sick person, a healing medium is able to achieve this result, all thanks to their ability to sense the energies of the world. The spiritual level of a healing medium is very high.

Psychophonic mediums - Among the best known types of mediumship, psychophonics have the ability to "borrow" the body and voice of spirits. These beings use the medium to communicate with the living on the earth plane.

Psychographic mediums and their derivations - In this group are intuitive, mechanical and semi-mechanical mediums. As we can see, this is one of the types of mediumship with more subgenres. In general, they are able to transmit the thoughts and ideas of spirits through writing. Psychographic mediums are very popular and known by the general population. They are separated according to the way they transmit messages from spirits.spirits.

Intuitive mediums - Less common, intuitive psychographic mediums know exactly what they are doing while writing, that is, they do it consciously and voluntarily. Even though they do not know what will be said by the spirit, this type of medium can have control over what they are writing.

Mechanical mediums - When we talk about the types of mediumship, this is one that has the least control. The spirit writes through the medium, without the medium having any control over his hand or the content that is being written.

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Semi-mechanical mediums - This type of mediumship lies between intuitive and mechanical mediums. Although they have no control over their writing - they are controlled by the spirit at the moment of psychographically writing - semi-mechanical mediums remain conscious of everything they are doing.

Inspired Mediums - Finally, among the types of mediumship, we have those called inspired. They feel the influence of the spirit world in their lives, but the messages they receive are not clear. Many times, the messages are mixed with the medium's ideas and thoughts, which makes it difficult to know the content of the messages.

Now you know what mediumship is and what types of mediumship are:

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Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu is a renowned astrologer and writer with over a decade of experience in the field. With a passion for helping people uncover their true potential and destiny through astrology, she began contributing to various online publications before co-founding Astrocenter, a leading astrology website. Her extensive knowledge of the stars and their effects on human behavior has helped countless individuals navigate their lives and make positive changes. She is also the author of several astrology books and continues to share her wisdom through her writing and online presence. When she's not interpreting astrological charts, Julie enjoys hiking and exploring nature with her family.