Learn all about the Amethyst stone

Learn all about the Amethyst stone
Julie Mathieu

Present in large quantities in the southern region of Brazil and in other parts of the world, the Amethyst Its violet coloring is the highlight. Besides its aesthetic character, this stone has strong mystical properties, and is used for various purposes. Find out now all about the Amethyst stone.

Unveil the meaning of Amethyst

Historically, the name of the Southern Amethyst stone - named after the place where it is found in Brazil - is related to Greek. The word Amethystós can be translated as "not drunk". This explains its relation to sobriety.

This uniquely beautiful stone also has elements of protection, and is widely used for revitalizing vital energies. The wearer can get the most out of its effects when the stone is properly energized.

Nowadays, the stone is extracted in large quantities, mainly for making jewelry, all because of its mystical properties and natural beauty.

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Understanding the Power of Amethyst

As with most stones and crystals, Amethyst possesses specific powers that can serve man. Among them is the power to elevate the wearer's spirituality, protecting against negative energies.

Its color is related to violet rays, which help in protection and also in healing. When used in environments, the Southern Amethyst has the power to harmonize and purify. That is why its use is common in places where people are present, such as living rooms.

The power of this stone has been exploited since ancient times, by magicians and priests. They believed that it had the power to protect the bearer, as well as to prevent addiction to alcoholic beverages.

There are several signs that can benefit from the powers and properties of Amethyst. In fact, this is one of the stones that is suitable for all people. However, those who can feel its powers most intensely are from the sign of Sagittarius.

Regarding professions, Southern Amethyst can be most beneficial to those who practice dentistry, teaching, administration, and other activities of an intellectual nature.

Properties of the Amethyst stone

This stone possesses properties of protection and restoration of vital energies, so it can be used to strengthen the body and mind of those within its reach.

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Typical use of Southern Amethyst

Amethyst can purify the body, through violet energy. Because it is a stone of unquestionable beauty, Southern Amethyst is commonly applied in jewelry of all kinds. In this way, it can be worn more pleasantly by people.

Use of the Amethyst stone in meditation

It works as a facilitator, helping the user to reach advanced stages in the mind more quickly. It channels positive energies from the environment and transmits them to the wearer.

Therapeutic Effects:

Balance between positive and negative energies;

Purification of the body;

Improved sleep.

Emotionally, Amethyst promotes balance in the user's thinking, so that the person can make better decisions throughout life, without exaggeration or irresponsibility.

Technical Features:

Incidence - Clean crystals and large geodes are currently rare

Hardness - Level 7 on the Mohs Scale

Occurrence - Southern Brazil, Uruguay and other countries in less incidence

Chemical Composition - SIO2 (Silicon Oxide)

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Fluorescence - Weak

Colors - Dark violet, black, gray, and in very bright light pink violet.

Crystalline System - Hexagonal (trigonal), prisms mostly

Effect on Chakra: It works on both the Superior Chakra and the Splenic Chakra, providing memory, especially of dreams.

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How to clean and energize Amethyst

Because it is an energy stone, Amethyst must be washed carefully several times. This ensures that it is always energized and can offer the wearer its full power. Washing can be done under running water or with salt water.

The most recommended way to recharge the Southern Amethyst is to sunbathe in the morning. Too much sun (midday sun) can be harmful to the stone's energies. Exposure time can vary, but a few hours is enough for it to be energized.

Another method to energize the stone is through moonlight. Because it is a less intense light, a longer exposure time is needed to have an effect.

Now you know all about Amethyst This is one of several stones that can be used to improve people's lives. Also check it out:

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Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu is a renowned astrologer and writer with over a decade of experience in the field. With a passion for helping people uncover their true potential and destiny through astrology, she began contributing to various online publications before co-founding Astrocenter, a leading astrology website. Her extensive knowledge of the stars and their effects on human behavior has helped countless individuals navigate their lives and make positive changes. She is also the author of several astrology books and continues to share her wisdom through her writing and online presence. When she's not interpreting astrological charts, Julie enjoys hiking and exploring nature with her family.