Neptune in Sagittarius - Learn all about this influence

Neptune in Sagittarius - Learn all about this influence
Julie Mathieu

Each planet takes several years to complete its cycle, as is the case with Neptune, which spends approximately fourteen years in each sign. Neptune in Sagittarius last occurred between the years 1970 and 1984. A generation that experienced the rupture with traditional values.

The passage of Neptune in Sagittarius can reveal great transformations in the life of the natives of this sign, and the effects can be felt in various aspects of life, such as in love, family, work, and also in friendships. It is worth understanding the characteristics of this planet and how it influences this sign.

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Neptune in Sagittarius Characteristics

The planet Neptune retains two main characteristics when analyzed from the astrological point of view: the ability to generate disorder and escape from reality. People who were born under the direct influence of this planet tend to distance themselves more easily from reality, finding an escape valve in drugs.

Neptune in Sagittarius, in turn, has the distinct effect of expanding consciousness and the search for the spiritual, because Neptune also opens the door to the unconscious, to aspects of the metaphysical world. Among the planets, Neptune is the one that can awaken people's creativity and mediumship.

What people who have Neptune in Sagittarius are like

The period when Neptune was in Sagittarius is historically known as the time of the fall of the church and of the values that were socially defended until then. The natives of this position, at this time, begin to look for ways to know the truth, to understand life and its fundamentals. They recover some of the spirituality lost in the previous years.

It can be said that Neptune's influence in Sagittarius created a society preoccupied with consumerism. This was the answer found to escape reality, a characteristic of this planet (escapism). Since Neptune's last contact with Sagittarius, it is not known for sure what the consequences of this influence will be. Consumerism remains a constant in society.

Neptune in Sagittarius' influence on love

Sagittarius natives with Neptune's influence are quite adventurous when it comes to love. They enjoy the company of several people, and are unlikely to follow a single path right away. They go through long periods of discovery, of experimentation.

Those who are born with this position in their birth chart have a great disposition for love and sex, so they will always choose to meet and relate to people who have the same disposition. Another important point of Neptune in Sagittarius is the lack of knowledge about the separation between love and sex. For natives of this position, they are practically identical and inseparable.

When he is very much in love, the Sagittarius native, influenced by Neptune, can be faithful and dedicated within the love life. However, he needs to be always on the move so as not to feel bored. Neptune generates confusion, leading the one who has this planet in Sagittarius to always want novelty.

The influence of Neptune in Sagittarius on work

The passage of Neptune in Sagittarius favors characteristics specific to this sign of the zodiac, such as the ability to deal very well with money. Those born with this position in their birth chart can earn and spend their financial resources with great ease. At work, they do well in practically all areas, but prefer those in which dynamism prevails.

Because they always know what to say in the most diverse situations, they are inclined to careers in sales, travel agents, and jobs such as importing and exporting. The happiness of this native is remarkable. Unlike other signs of the zodiac, Sagittarius works without thinking too much about the future, enjoying the moments and pleasures of life.

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The influence of Neptune in Sagittarius on the family

The influence of Neptune in Sagittarius can affect family life. In their search for truth and with great spiritual strength, the natives of this sign of the zodiac can end up bringing some worries into the family.

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But the great truth is that the happiness and cheerfulness of this native helps to keep the balance. Even under the influence of such a confusing planet as Neptune, when it is positioned Sagittarius fights for the family and can do whatever it takes to keep the family ties intact.

The influence of Neptune in Sagittarius on friendships

It is common that the person born with this sign is always surrounded by friends, since it is one of the happiest signs of the zodiac. However, the native of this sign always tries to establish relationships, whether amorous or affective, with people who have great energy.

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Neptune in Sagittarius reveals a generation that is very concerned with consumption, which is why friendships can be more ephemeral and based on new values, not yet very clear. Consumption is a way to escape from reality, from facing life.

These are the main characteristics and influence of Neptune in Sagittarius. Being a sign of fire, Sagittarius shows great passion and energy in its life, not to mention extreme happiness. Contact with Neptune can cloud the Sagittarian's values a bit, but he remains firm in his ideals.

Now that you know all the aspects of the influence of Neptune in Sagittarius also check it out:

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Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu is a renowned astrologer and writer with over a decade of experience in the field. With a passion for helping people uncover their true potential and destiny through astrology, she began contributing to various online publications before co-founding Astrocenter, a leading astrology website. Her extensive knowledge of the stars and their effects on human behavior has helped countless individuals navigate their lives and make positive changes. She is also the author of several astrology books and continues to share her wisdom through her writing and online presence. When she's not interpreting astrological charts, Julie enjoys hiking and exploring nature with her family.