Our Lady of Sainthood Day - The importance of the patron saint of grandparents

Our Lady of Sainthood Day - The importance of the patron saint of grandparents
Julie Mathieu

Do you know what the commemoration on July 26 is?

Do you know the Saint honored on this day?

Tip: in Feira de Santana it is a very important date, but in the rest of the country it is also considered the 'grandparents' day'.

Do you know who I am talking about? Yes? No?

And if I tell you that it is a party to celebrate the story of Jesus' grandmother, would you believe it?!

So now learn about the importance of day of Our Lady of Santana !

History of Our Lady of Santana's Day

Many people who follow the holiday on the day of Our Lady of Santana do not know in depth the origins of this character. The Saint is closely related to the life of Jesus Christ. In fact, without her the birth of Christ would not even be possible.

After all, Santa Ana or Santana - as she is known - is the mother of Our Lady.

Making the connection, Santana is the grandmother of Jesus Christ. This is why Our Lady Santana is considered by many to be the great patron saint of grandparents.

But there are disagreements about the precise origin of this Saint. All that scholars know about the origin of Our Lady Santana was found in a gospel written by James, but which is not part of the official testament.

As is well known, many of the books written have not been accepted or made official by the authorities of Christianity, which is the case with the Gospel of James. Although not officially recognized by the Church, the book is quoted by several Christian priests.

Reading it makes it easier to better understand the day of Our Lady of Santana.

Origin of the name Santa Ana or Santana

Studies point to the Hebrew origin of the name "Ana", which can be understood as "grace". Santana's own biological origin reveals her connection with the divine. A descendant of Aaron, she was the wife of a saint, Saint Joachim, who was a direct descendant of the royal family of David.

It is from this family bosom that the child Jesus, the main character in the Catholic tradition, would emerge shortly afterwards. Despite this kinship between Christ and Santana, the day of Our Lady of Santana is still unknown to many people, especially in Brazil. That is why it is worth reading about it.

The Wedding of Our Lady Santana

As was common in Israel in the first centuries, Santana's marriage took place in her youth.

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St. Joachim, her husband, had many possessions and was considered a great personality for his time. Living in Jerusalem, near where the Basilica of Santana is located, the couple was simple, with an ordinary life. They related very well socially.

Our Lady Santana was sterile

One of the crucial points that definitively marks the history of Our Lady of Santana's day is her infertility. Even after several years of trying within marriage, she was unable to bear a child.

It was said that it was the woman's fault, because at that time sterility was never considered to originate from the male figure.

Besides suffering immediately with the guilt for infertility, Saint Anne suffered even more from the criticism of society. At the time, not being fertile was considered a punishment and punishment from God.

Saint Anne experienced much humiliation throughout her life. Although he suffered less, Saint Joachim also faced social criticism. Among priests he was judged for not having children.

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Day of Our Lady of Santana - The miracle of fertility

Despite not getting any results, Saint Anne and Saint Joachim never lost faith. They were great devotees of God and trusted in his intervention.

One day, Saint Joachim decided to spend a period in the desert, without contact with other people. It was there that he received a visit from an angel, announcing that his prayers had been answered.

The same angel also appeared in Saint Anne's house, announcing the accomplishment of a great miracle. The couple's requests had finally been fulfilled!

Shortly after the return of Saint Joaquim to his home, they managed to bear a son. This fact is fundamental to understand well the day of Our Lady of Santana.

The Importance of Mary's Birth

Mary, who would be born of Saint Anne, is the fruit of a miracle. The virgin who would later give life to Jesus Christ, the greatest deity of Christianity, together with God, his father and creator.

The name given to the daughter was Mirian, which means Lady of Light. We know her as Mary because of the translation from Hebrew, the original language, to Latin.

This is the story of the day of Our Lady Saint Anne, the patron saint of grandparents. She was responsible for giving life to Mary, who in turn gave birth to Jesus Christ. Despite all the suffering throughout her life, because she was unable to become pregnant, Saint Anne never lost her faith. She and her husband, Saint Joachim, remained believing that God would show the way and give an answer.

That's why having faith is so important, and you can also find that light through powerful prayers. But if you want a slightly more direct answer that can come through the gift people are given, meet the experts at Astrocentro now.

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Good luck 🙂 Good luck!

Now that you know all about day of Our Lady of Santana also check it out:

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Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu is a renowned astrologer and writer with over a decade of experience in the field. With a passion for helping people uncover their true potential and destiny through astrology, she began contributing to various online publications before co-founding Astrocenter, a leading astrology website. Her extensive knowledge of the stars and their effects on human behavior has helped countless individuals navigate their lives and make positive changes. She is also the author of several astrology books and continues to share her wisdom through her writing and online presence. When she's not interpreting astrological charts, Julie enjoys hiking and exploring nature with her family.