Six of Cups in the Tarot - A positive look at the past

Six of Cups in the Tarot - A positive look at the past
Julie Mathieu

In the Tarot, the suit of hearts is associated with the element of water and represents our emotions and feelings. After the more negative message of the previous card, the Six of Cups in the Tarot carries a lighter tone, full of nostalgia and positive aspects related to the past.

To learn about the meanings of the Six of Cups in different areas of your life, such as love, work, and money, stay with us!

Meaning of the Six of Cups

When it comes to nostalgia, the Six of Cups is the champion: its meaning is closely linked to the past, especially to the joyful memories of childhood and the typical characteristics of that time.

Childhood should be a period in which we are safe, secure, and free from all worry. Thus, this card symbolizes family comfort and the lack of worry typical of adult life.

The Six of Cups also represents a willingness to learn, accompanied by a sense of optimism, opening the door to a new chapter in your life.

How to interpret the Six of Cups in Tarot

In a Tarot card, the Six of Cups asks you to analyze the present cycles in your life and the connections that connect the past to the present, and internalize the lessons learned previously. With this knowledge, you will have the ability and motivation to change and take action.

Being a nostalgic card, the Six of Cups mainly indicates a return to childhood memories, either through a visit to the place where you grew up, or even reconnecting with old friends. Memories from adolescence or early adulthood are also revisited here.

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A trip to the past can indicate a desire to return to a simpler, happier time, or even a need to return to a familiar, safe place after experiencing a loss or difficulty.

The connection with the other brought by the memories of the past makes the Six of Cups also a card of harmony and collaboration, favoring all kinds of relationships: the exchange of actions is done without expectations, but with a lot of trust.

The Six of Cups, when present in a Tarot card, can be an alert for you to get in touch with your inner child and enjoy the freedom and joy of this phase of your life. Without the worries and ties of adult life, you will have the possibility to meet your true self, following your intuition and spontaneity.

Although it is a positive letter, it is important to heed the warning: remembering the good times is important, but we should not live in the past and refuse to look at today.

More literally, this card can also indicate the presence of a child in your life, no matter if it's a coexistence with nephews and nieces or cousins, or even a pregnancy. Take advantage of this period to learn from the little ones: be present in the now and see the world with a more curious and authentic look.

In the Yes or No Tarot, the Six of Cups brings a positive answer to your question, indicating that you will enlist the help of someone you have known for a long time.

Six of Cups in love

In love, the Six of Cups is a sign that someone from the past will return to your life, perhaps an old boyfriend or a flirt from school days.

If you are going through a difficult time in your relationship, revisiting good times you have had together in the past can be a good idea to bring harmony back into the union.

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On the other hand, if you have recently ended a relationship, the Six of Cups may indicate the comfort needed to heal the wounds and put the breakup behind you.

If you have just gotten out of a relationship and need some guidance on how to move on, you can count on the help of the tarologists at Astrocentro! During the consultations, which are done via chat, telephone, or e-mail, you can clear up all your doubts about your love life in a discrete, safe, and attentive way.

Six of Cups at work

When it comes to work, the Six of Cups is mostly about reflection: the time is ideal to look back and analyze your path to where you are today.

It is important to identify the lessons learned along the way and keep them in mind to build your future, avoiding repeating mistakes made.

In addition, this letter may also indicate some career change, or that you are at least considering changing or even returning to a job or function that you have held.

Six of Cups and the money

In finance, the Six of Cups is usually a sign of shared resources, usually among family; it can also indicate gifts or donations.

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If you have already left home, this card can indicate a "return to the nest," creating the opportunity to save and make a reserve to achieve certain goals. In this sense, it can be a sign that you will welcome someone into your home, sharing what you have.

Inverted Six of Cups

When a card appears in inverted position, its meaning can also be interpreted in the opposite way. While the Six of Cups in normal position is a sign of positive nostalgia and childlike innocence, its meaning takes on a more negative tone in inverted position: it indicates living only in the past, without the childlike lightness that is sometimes necessary.

If the inverted Six of Cups appears on a drawing, analyze whether you are refusing to come out of the past, wishing for things to go back to the way they were.

When we don't pay attention to today, we miss great opportunities that could help us in tomorrow. The past can be comforting, but it is important to look forward and create your own path.

The presence of this reversed card can also be a warning that you are acting too adult and serious, missing opportunities to be carefree and have fun.

The inverted Six of Cups also indicates that you are ready to look at painful situations from the past and overcome them, without reopening those wounds.

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To help you in this task, check out an inner peace prayer to overcome the difficult moments and free yourself from the past!

Meanings of the inverted Six of Cups

In love, the inverted Six of Cups is a warning that you may be getting too attached to past relationships, which prevents you from finding someone new in your life. Be careful not to look back with a romantic and unrealistic view, missing the opportunity to live a great love, maybe even greater than the one that already was.

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The inverted Six of Cups can be a sign of stagnation in your professional life: it's not necessarily a bad thing, but the desire to take risks and step out of your comfort zone speaks loudly at this time. Don't let go of your past learnings, either in a new venture, or in the job you already have.

When it comes to money, the inverted Six of Cups has a more positive message: it is a sign that you are financially independent. Your discipline when it comes to money has made you able to live on your own, and now is the time!

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Would you like to find out everything about the Six of Cups and how to interpret its positive message? Then check out Astrocentro's course "Minor Arcana" and learn everything about this set of cards! Throughout the course, you will learn drawing methods, discover the meanings of the four suits of the Tarot and its cards. Check out the course presentation:

Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu is a renowned astrologer and writer with over a decade of experience in the field. With a passion for helping people uncover their true potential and destiny through astrology, she began contributing to various online publications before co-founding Astrocenter, a leading astrology website. Her extensive knowledge of the stars and their effects on human behavior has helped countless individuals navigate their lives and make positive changes. She is also the author of several astrology books and continues to share her wisdom through her writing and online presence. When she's not interpreting astrological charts, Julie enjoys hiking and exploring nature with her family.