Xangô's Sympathy to win in court and bring love

Xangô's Sympathy to win in court and bring love
Julie Mathieu

People who seek to resolve a situation of injustice, win a case in court, or simply attract more love into their lives find in Sympathy for Xangô the answer!

This is because he is the orixá able to unite people of good heart and punish those who do harm to others.

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As the Orixá Xangô symbolizes harmony and balance between love and reason, passion and justice, he knows how to punish people who act in bad faith, just as he rewards those who do good to others.

Therefore, the Shango sympathies represent very powerful rituals for seeking redress and lasting relationships.

Simpatias de Xangô - Learn now about some rituals and offerings

Xangô is known to be somewhat repressive and authoritarian, but this is because he values justice and discerning good from evil. It is no wonder that his children rely on Xangô's sympathy when they need to resolve a situation of injustice.

But it is not only in matters of justice that Xangô is powerful!

He also treats the ills of the heart, that is, he knows how to unite people who have the same love purpose. Therefore, if you are looking for your soul mate, count on the Xangô sympathy for love.

Now get to know the Shango sympathies that, besides being easy, can help you achieve your goal.

Xangô's Sympathy to win a case in court

If you have a lawsuit at a standstill or with chances of losing, this Shango Sympathy is for you. To win your case in court, it is recommended to do the ritual on a Wednesday, a day dedicated to Shango.


  • 1 bottle or can of dark beer
  • 1 cup
  • 6 white candles
  • 6 red candles


  1. In a place with rocks, a hill, or waterfalls, light the candles;
  2. Then serve the beer in the glass to Xangô;
  3. Mentalizing your request for justice for your cause, place the cup next to the lit candles;
  4. With faith in the power of Shango, know that very soon you will receive news of victory.

Observation: This is not a ritual recognized by Candomblé nor by Traditional Yoruba. This is because in both, no beer is served to Xangô and alcoholic drinks to the orixá should be done with caution, because with ignorance of the cult, it can cause the opposite effect.

Shango Sympathy to overcome an injustice

Do you feel wronged?

Were you held accountable for something you didn't do?

This Shango sympathy is for overcoming situations of injustice that you face in your life.


  • 6 mustard leaves
  • 6 dwarf bananas
  • 6 pieces of virgin paper
  • 3 ordinary white candles
  • 3 ordinary red candles
  • dende oil for drizzling


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  1. To begin the sympathy, place the mustard leaves as a plate for the offering, with the handle outward;
  2. Then peel the bananas in half and place them arranged in a circle;
  3. On the papers, write the name of the person who did the injustice to you, roll them up, and stick them into each banana, until it disappears inside;
  4. Then, drizzle everything with the dende oil;
  5. Interspersing each color of candle, light them in a circle around the sympathy making your request for justice to Xangô.

Observation: This is not a Candomblé, Umbanda, or Traditional Yoruba ritual either, because the banana is not served to the Orixá Xangô, but belongs to the cult of the orixás of the Daomé region, such as Omolu, Oxumare, Iyewa/Ewá. This can be a Batuque ritual, in which the banana is served to Xangô, but we think it is important to specify that it is from the Batuque of Rio Grande do Sul.

Shango Sympathy for Love

Besides representing justice, Xangô is also known as the patron saint of intellectuals and usually acts in favor of marital harmony. In other words, Xangô blesses families with the powerful force of sincere love.

Therefore, offerings to Xangô can attract sincere and harmonious love, favoring conquests.


  • 6 okra
  • 6 white papers
  • 1 pencil
  • 1 spool of white thread
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 brown candle


  1. Begin the spell by writing your beloved's name in pencil on each of the 6 pieces of paper;
  2. On top of each name, write your full name;
  3. Next, fold the papers into 3 parts and place each one inside a cut okra, but you can't cut it in half, cut enough to fit the paper;
  4. Then arrange 3 okra horizontally and place the other 3 on top of them, vertically;
  5. With the white thread, roll and join all the okra, mentalizing your love request to Xangô;
  6. After winding the entire spool of line, put some honey on your hands and rub it on the okra;
  7. Leave the sympathy near a quarry, hill, mountain, or waterfall and light the brown candle to ask for love from Xangô.

Sympathy of Xangô for justice against enemies

There are times when we feel wronged, betrayed, or wronged by a situation that we don't deserve. Unfortunately, you, like anyone else, are susceptible to circumstances like these, but you don't have to sit around waiting for a solution. Count on the authority of Shango to ward off your enemies.


  • 1 wooden bowl
  • 1 stone
  • 1 piece of paper
  • 1 can of dark beer ** (same problem as above)
  • 1 brown candle


  1. To begin this sympathy, write the name of the person who has done an injustice to you;
  2. Inside the bowl, place the folded paper and position the stone on top;
  3. Take the ritual to a quarry, hill, mountain, or waterfall and light the brown candle;
  4. To finish, pour the beer and mentalize with faith your request to Xangô;

Observation: As mentioned above, in the Candomblé, Umbanda, and Traditional Yoruba religions they don't use beer for Xangô, so it is recommended that you change it to dendê oil.

If you still feel you need more guidance to perform the sympathies or conquer your goals, get to know the specialists at Astrocentro.

Here we have many fathers and mothers of Santo that can help you find the answers you are looking for, as well as specialists in sympathies that can give you more powerful rituals.

Don't waste time and make an appointment now!

Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu is a renowned astrologer and writer with over a decade of experience in the field. With a passion for helping people uncover their true potential and destiny through astrology, she began contributing to various online publications before co-founding Astrocenter, a leading astrology website. Her extensive knowledge of the stars and their effects on human behavior has helped countless individuals navigate their lives and make positive changes. She is also the author of several astrology books and continues to share her wisdom through her writing and online presence. When she's not interpreting astrological charts, Julie enjoys hiking and exploring nature with her family.