What is mantra? See how this powerful tool works!

What is mantra? See how this powerful tool works!
Julie Mathieu

You know what is mantra? The word mantra comes from Sanskrit. The syllable "man" means "mind" and the "tra" Thus, mantra loosely translated is the "instrument for controlling or protecting the mind."

Understand better what this powerful tool is by various spiritual practices, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, meditation, and yoga.

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What is mantra?

A mantra is a word, sound, syllable, or phrase that has a strong and powerful vibration. It can also be defined as a hymn, prayer, song, or poem.

Usually, the mantra is used to concentrate energy, open chakras, and develop psychic awareness. In some religions, it is an instrument of greeting and praise to the gods.

However, it is important to note that, despite being rooted in Hindu culture, mantras are not tied to a religion. They are part of a philosophy of life, a practice to reflect and find well-being.

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What is the mantra for?

The main function of the mantra is to help the individual to meditate, since it can calm thoughts and facilitate concentration.

The mantra helps in relaxation, taking away the tension of the practitioner and putting him in a meditative state.

In addition, mantras are able to positively influence many areas of our lives through reliable phrases.

Psychologists say that when you listen to or speak a mantra, the sound energy of these words can have powerful effects on your body, taking away all stress.

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The neurological effects of mantra on the brain

Neuroscientists have been able to identify that mantras have the ability to help the mind free itself from background conversations and calm the nervous system.

In a study published by the Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, researchers at Linköping University in Sweden measured the activity of a region of the brain called the default mode network - the area corresponding to self-reflection and rambling - to determine how mantras affect the brain.

The researchers have concluded that mantra training can effectively reduce distractions.

Another study, conducted by Herbert Benson, a professor at Harvard Medical School, pointed out that no matter which mantra you repeat, the effects on the brain are the same: relaxation and increased ability to cope with stressful everyday situations.

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How do mantras work?

Mantras work through the individual's ability to focus the vibrations of the sound on himself.

When you say a mantra, you begin to enter that vibratory frequency.

If it is a mantra of divine greeting, you will enter the God frequency. If it is a mantra associated with healing, then you will enter a healing vibrational frequency, and so on.

As you resonate the mantra, the mantra "comes to life" - that is, you stop doing the mantra - the mantra starts doing you.

There is a theory that says that when you resonate a mantra, you are connecting to the energy field of all the people who have recited it before you.

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How to use mantras?

The idea of how to use mantras is to try to immerse ourselves in the sound and vibration of the words so that we can access our own spiritual source of peace.

See below for a step-by-step how to use mantras:

Step 1 - Find an appropriate mantra for your intention

As we said earlier, each mantra vibrates at a different frequency, so it is important to choose a mantra that vibrates at the frequency of your intention.

For this, you need to define what you want to achieve with your meditation: more health, less stress, well-being, spiritual connection, liberation of the mind?

After setting your intention, start looking for mantras related to that goal.

Step 2 - Find a comfortable place to practice

Find a quiet place where you can practice your mantra without being disturbed. This place can be a room in your house, garden, park, church, yoga studio, etc.

Step 3 - Sit in a comfortable position

Preferably, when sitting, cross your legs, keep your spine straight. If possible, put your hips above your knees. You can do this by sitting on top of several folded blankets. Your hands can be left on your thighs.

This is the best position for your body to absorb the vibrations of the mantra.

Then close your eyes and start chanting your mantra. You can use prayer beads or mudra to help you have a deeper meditation.

Step 4 - Concentrate on your breathing

Breathe in deeply and slowly, paying attention to the air entering your lungs, then breathe out slowly and feel your lungs emptying. This will help your concentration and relaxation.

Step 5 - Chant the chosen mantra

There is no specific time for you to sing it, nor is there a right way; do it as you see fit. As you sing, feel the vibrations of each syllable.

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Powerful Mantras

See what mantra is by knowing some powerful sounds.

1) Gayatri mantra

The Gayatri is considered the essence of all mantras, one of the oldest prayers of mankind.

The vibration of the words of this mantra accumulates energy of spiritual light and invokes wisdom.

"Om Bhuh, Bhuvaha, Swaha

Tat Savitur Varenyam

Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi

Dhiyo Yonaha Prachodayat"

The free translation is:

"In all the three worlds, earthly, astral and heavenly, may we meditate under the splendor of that divine sun that illuminates us, and may all the golden light soothe our understanding and guide us on our journey to the sacred abode."

2) Om

O "Om" means "is, will be, or will become" It is a universal mantra, ideal to start your meditation.

Because it is simple, it is considered the sound that reaches the frequency of the universe, leading us to resonate with the cosmos. It represents the origin and cycle of life, from birth through death to reincarnation.

3) Hare Krishna

"Hare Krishna Hare Krishna,

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,

Hare Rama Hare Rama,

Rama Rama,

Hare Hare"

The words of this mantra are simply the repetition of the many names of Krishna. The Hare Krishna movement popularized the mantra to recognize the unity of faith.

4) Ho'oponopono

'ho-oh-pono-pono' is an ancient Hawaiian mantra that means "I love you; I'm sorry; please forgive me; thank you."

This mantra should be chanted when your intention is to get rid of negative feelings, such as anger and shame.

It is also indicated to be done when you have difficulty expressing your feelings to the one you love.

These are considered magic words. "I love you" will open your heart. "I'm sorry" will make you more humble. "Please forgive me" will make you recognize your imperfections. And "thank you" will express your gratitude.

This mantra is a way to heal your karmic imprint and start over.

5) Om Mani Padme Hum

O "Om Mani Padme Hum" means "save the jewel in the lotus" It is often used by Tibetan Buddhists to achieve a state of compassion.

This mantra is divided. We have "Om" as the first sound of the universe, as explained before. "Ma" will take you out of your needs and guide you towards the spiritual. "ni" releases all your passion and desire. "Pad" releases you from ignorance and prejudice. "Me" releases you from possessiveness. And finally, "um" releases you from hatred.

However, the most magical thing about mantras is that it is not necessary to understand the meaning of the phrases and words to get the benefits they provide. The power of mantras is in the sound. It is the sound that harmonizes the chakras, brings lightness, and unblocks energy.

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Personal Mantras

For a mantra to be really useful, you need to believe in it. If you are just beginning to meditate and don't yet understand mantras in depth, a good tip is to create your own chant.

It's not difficult, just think of a phrase that refers to the idea you want to dive into. Use words that have a strong meaning for you, like "peace", "joy", "love", "happiness", "faith" or "harmony".

Don't use the word NO. The mantra should always be positive. For example, instead of saying "I am not worried," say "I am at peace.

After selecting the phrases or words that make sense to you, repeat them. Start by repeating a few 20 times If you want, you can repeat it more until you block the outside world from your thoughts.

Below are some examples of personal mantras:

"I am full of light."

"I feel, I exist."

"Love is in everything, love is everything."

"I belong, I have faith."

"I am abundant."

"I am attracting."

If you want to deepen your knowledge of mantras and make the most of the benefits of the sounds in your life, take the course "Online mantra training" .

With the course, you will study more than 500 mantras for various purposes such as:

  • Chakras;
  • Overcoming obstacles;
  • Stillness;
  • Affectionate union;
  • Happiness;
  • Joy;
  • Health;
  • Charisma;
  • Willpower;
  • Discipline;
  • Meditation;
  • Kundalini.

There are more than 12 hours of video lessons, with a bonus of more than 3 hours and a book on the subject.

Are you in doubt whether to do it or not? Watch the 1st class in the video below. I bet you will feel so good that you will want to buy the whole course right now.

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Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu
Julie Mathieu is a renowned astrologer and writer with over a decade of experience in the field. With a passion for helping people uncover their true potential and destiny through astrology, she began contributing to various online publications before co-founding Astrocenter, a leading astrology website. Her extensive knowledge of the stars and their effects on human behavior has helped countless individuals navigate their lives and make positive changes. She is also the author of several astrology books and continues to share her wisdom through her writing and online presence. When she's not interpreting astrological charts, Julie enjoys hiking and exploring nature with her family.